Testing, certification and training services
Centralny Ośrodek Chłodnictwa w Krakowie COCHCentralny Ośrodek Chłodnictwa w Krakowie COCHCentralny Ośrodek Chłodnictwa w Krakowie COCH
+48 503 021 131
30-133 Cracow, Poland
Centralny Ośrodek Chłodnictwa w Krakowie COCHCentralny Ośrodek Chłodnictwa w Krakowie COCHCentralny Ośrodek Chłodnictwa w Krakowie COCH

Technical recommendations

Technical recommendations

The technical recommendation is a voluntary document issued for products for which the Act of April 16, 2004 on construction products (Journal of Laws No. 92, item 881 as amended).

The technical recommendation is a voluntary document issued for products for which the Act of April 16, 2004 on construction products (Journal of Laws No. 92, item 881 as amended).

A technical recommendation is a document containing the technical properties and functional properties of the product and their required level, confirming the ability of the building in which the product was used to meet the basic requirements set out in the Act of 07/07/1994 – Construction Law (Journal of Laws No. 89, item 414, as amended).



Headquarters address

Centralny Ośrodek Chłodnictwa „COCH” w Krakowie Juliusza Lea 116,
30-133 Kraków


+48 667 600 609
+48 503 021 131
+48 12 637 08 57
